A Letter to the Frustrated Aspiring Author
What was terrifying about writing my first book? Everything. It was a constant fight of being plagued by my doubts and insecurities, and knowing that I needed to release those very things to the Lord.
Anyone who is deeply invested in his or her work is most likely going to feel stung by rejection. But truthfully rejection is a part of life, and as authors we need to learn that our value rests in the Lord.
God can use rejection to show us where to improve, and build character, and thus make our work that much more impactful. To ask you to rejoice in rejection is a little impractical. Take some time to lick your wounds and tell God how you feel, but then stand up straight and move on. And don’t give up!
I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve experience rejection through my writing journey. Mercifully, most of my rejection came in the form of silence, meaning people not bothering to get back to me. It was frustrating, but in one sense silence easier to take then criticism. No one likes to hear that someone’s opinion of your work is that it isn’t print worthy.
I wish I understood and believed back then what I do now. That God was in control and had a timeline HE created. So embrace the rejection and move on!
If you understand that in your heart of hearts, you will look at your circumstances in a whole new light, and contentment will be your prize. A front row seat to the Lord’s work is infinitely more exciting than obtaining worldly success. The changes in my life, and if it is in His plan the lives of young people who read Life After, is the biggest reward of all.
So to you frustrated authors, what I want to impart is a message of hope. You are not alone. There is not a writer on this planet that hasn’t had setbacks. If you have a story inside you, my advice is to go to the only Book that we know holds absolute truth.
The joys of writing will be increased a thousand fold if you are writing with the Lord, not simply asking Him for His blessing and carrying on regardless. Give Him the driver’s seat. You won’t regret it.
Whether your story ever gets published or not, the reward of spending time with Him will far outshine any earthly reward you can imagine. You may even start with one goal in mind, but end up somewhere completely new. The Lord has bigger plans for us than we do for ourselves. And isn’t that an exciting idea? So go forth, be encouraged through the Word, and be open to wherever the Lord is leading you.